Floe Configuration Check

You can check the Floe Email Type and HTML Block configuration using the HTML Block Graphical View tool.

Using the tree structure, you can navigate through Email Categories to Email Types to HTML Blocks.

You can navigate from HTML Blocks to embedded HTML blocks.

A Red indicator is displayed if an error is found.

Expand the tree to branch from Email Category to Email Type to HTML blocks in order to see the cause of the error.
Possible errors and warnings are:
  • Error: Circular Reference  [Check HTML block embedding: The e-mail will fail to send due to the circular reference]         
  • Error: HTML Block not defined  [An HTML block has been assigned to an Email Type and subsequently deleted. Change the HTML block assignment]
  • Error: HTML Block not defined in language [An embedded HTML block is not defined in the language of the parent block. Add the HTML Block content for the missing language.]
  • Warning: No HTML Blocks assigned to Email Type [No assignment in configuration.  However, assignment can be made in the HTML Block User-Exit.]
  • Information: Email Category description missing [Maintain the description in the current logon language.]
  • Information: Email Type description missing [Maintain the description in the current logon language.]
  • Information: HTML Block description missing [Maintain the description in the current logon language.]