Floe can work with a barcode generator utility in various ways:
- Dynamically construct hyperlink for client-side barcode rendering
- Trigger server-side generation and add link to published file
- Trigger server-side generation and embed the image in the e-mail.
1. Dynamically construct hyperlink for client-side barcode rendering
On-line barcode generation is available from companies such as
The HTML block will contain the URL hyperlink to the barcode generator, including Variables that Floe will substitute at run-time:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: |
<a href="http://www.barcodesinc.com/generator/"> <img src="http://www.barcodesinc.com/generator/image.php?code=&DL_NUM&&style=165&type=C39&width=245&height=65&xres=1 &font=5" alt="&DL_NUM&" border="0"> </a> |
The variable is filled with the number for the barcode generator to use to create the barcode image.
2. Trigger server-side generation and add link to published file
Some barcode generation tools will generate a barcode and publish it on a web server.
To integrate Floe with this kind of solution, trigger the barcode generator from the Email Data User-Exit, and fill a variable with the filename or URL hyperlink of the generated image.
Then simply use the variable in an HTML block as the image source.
3. Trigger server-side generation and embed the image in the e-mail.
Some barcode generation tools will return the generated image.
In order to publish the generated image you can develop code to save the generated image to a web server. In this scenario, trigger the barcode generator from the Email Data User-Exit, and fill a variable with the source URL.
Alternatively you can embed the generated image into the e-mail body. In this scenario, trigger the barcode generator from the Image User-Exit, and fill a variable with a content ID for the image.
There are various ways to generate a barcode image within SAP that can be run on an ABAP stack only:
Example. This is how to use Rbarc+ to generate a barcode image (XSTRING) from the Image User-Exit:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Declarations for RBARC+ Interface *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* TYPES: ty_content TYPE xstring, ty_checksum(5) TYPE c, ty_encoding(256) TYPE c. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_bc_struc, content TYPE ty_content, checksum TYPE ty_checksum, encoding TYPE ty_encoding, END OF ty_bc_struc. DATA: barcode1 TYPE ty_bc_struc. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Interface to RBARC+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* PERFORM gen_barcode(zaf_bc_settings12) USING '1234567890' 'BARCODE01' CHANGING barcode1-content barcode1-checksum barcode1-encoding. |
This returns the barcode in the field barcode1-content, ready to be added to the images table.