Setting up SAP Workflow and Floe


[1] Set the Floe email handler in the SAP Workflow configuration
Transaction: SWNCONFIG


[2] Link the Workflow Task to a Floe Email Type


[3] Add Email Data UserExit for URLs to point to the right path to execute the task or open the inbox.
This will depend on how you want to open the inbox (Eg Fiori Inbox or SAPGUI)
In this example we use SAPGUI for HTML (web GUI) .
You can also add additional variables for the email.


[4] In order to remove the attachments that open SAPGUI to execute the workitem, add code in the Attachment UserExit.  


[5] Build email content for your email type in Floe Email Builder.
Use any fields from the workflow container.


Include variables as links to process the item or open the inbox


[1] Use the Workflow test tool to trigger the workflow
Transaction: SWUS


Enter the Workflow Number and Execute.
Then add data and save.


You should see the new task ID

[2] Trigger workflow process to push notifications
You may already have a job running for this.  Check the ‘No Time Check’ indicator so that the email is sent immediately.


Program completes showing the notifications have been sent.

[3] Open email in email client
The email is sent to the email address of the approver as defined in the workflow definition.


For comparison this is the standard SAP workflow email: